Local Aquarium

Stylish tabletop helps to put local aquarium on the national stage.

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LIFE IS GOOD - Picture this … you’re a top-rated aquarium that hosts more than eight-hundred thousand visitors per year. Not only are you home for more than seven-thousand plants and animals, but you help animals everywhere by donating the proceeds from your banquet spaces to support conservation and education efforts.
BIG CHALLENGE - But, a recent renovation has your head swimming. You want to give guests attending events at the aquarium an elegant atmosphere without distracting from the beauty of the nearby animals. But every place setting you’ve seen is either too bold or too plain and all together not the right fit.
HELP ARRIVES - So, you turn to the Innovative Foodservice Group. We pair you with one of our top sales reps to help you find the perfect table setting. Hundreds of china patterns later, we help you select the perfect way to showcase the excellent food that complements your surroundings.
LIFE IS EVEN BETTER - Now, you have a table setting that wins the first place table top award for a leading industry magazine. They put your aquarium front-and-center on the cover of the magazine, which is then distributed across the country. It’s wonderful publicity and positions you as a prime event location. Now that you have the perfect place setting in place, you can get ahead of the day.